Friends of Mudgeroo

We give so much thanks to the following people and businesses who have and are supporting us! We couldn’t do it without you.

Wildlife Stations Shoalhaven

We are forever grateful for all the amazing help, support and friendship from Wildlife Stations Shoalhaven. Whether it’s helping us create our animal enclosures, assisting with releases or catering for our many working bees – we couldn’t do this without you!

Turfco Australia

The amazing team at Turfco Australia donated and delivered two pallets of premium turf for our yard. The grounds desperately needed it, and we can’t say thank you enough!

Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures

Thanks so much guys at Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures for volunteering to lay the turf we received from Turfco after a much needed cleanup!! We are always beyond thankful, and appreciate the help so much.

Bunnings South Nowra

A massive thank you to our local Bunnings (in South Nowra) for the donation of many essential items for the wildlife and animals that we care for. We now have a turtle pool pump and loads and loads of wire that was turned into fencing.

ADCO Constructions

In 2020, an AMAZING building company ADCO Constructions donated months of labour and tons of materials to help us improve our structures around the farm. We cannot thank them enough, and it was a game changer for us right after the struggle of the bushfires.